Since the last update, building framing has begun and is now well underway. The structure is being "built to last" so it is more likely to survive potential natural disasters, and many decades of public use. The Snoqualmie Depot was built with similar ideas and last year celebrated its 125th anniversary! Check out these recent images that illustrate progress on the new Railway Education Center:
Framing began in mid June 2016 with the boarding plat-
form and the outer walls.
Boarding platform close up.
By late June, the second floor began to appear. The
building is being clad with plywood to minimize off-
gassing that occurs with many modern materials such
as Oriented Strand Board (OSB).
The staircase takes shape.
Floor joists are massive - the archival collection is being
located on the second floor high above the flood plain.
The end walls were fabricated horizontally and then
tilted up into position.
In early July the basic exterior walls were complete and
sheathed with plywood. Work has now shifted to interior
walls and the roof.