15 things the
Northwest Railway Museum is thankful for (in no particular order):
1. Sprinkler systems! (The
Snoqualmie Depot was spared from major
fire damage by sprinkler heads located on the structure’s exterior.)
2. Successful flood recovery. (On January 8 the Museum experienced the most significant
flood event in its history and recovered in time to operate trains in April as scheduled.)

3. Broad base of community support from a truly successful community. (Participation through programs, volunteering, contributing funds, donating goods and services, and helping protect the museum from fire, flood and even petty crime.)
4. Popular programs. (2009 experienced record-setting participation in the Museum’s programs.)
5. Beautiful scenery in a great location. (A beautiful location helps the Museum be successful, and is part of railroad's legacy in the Northwest.)
6. A
Collection of Northwest railway history truly representative of the region. (Locomotives, a depot, bridges, freight cars, coaches, lanterns, books, photographs, maps, and examples of pretty much anything else imaginable that was used to build, operate or maintain a railroad.)
7. Great
volunteers. (Over 200 people have participated this year in everything from flood recovery to staffing all programs.)
8. Dedicated staff. (Five full time and four part time staff provide management and general support for museum programs.)
9. Supportive local government (Snoqualmie, North Bend and King County have all helped the Museum become more successful.)
10. Awesome elected officials at all levels of government from the City of Snoqualmie Council all the way to Congress.
11. Irreplaceable support from the State of Washington and the United States. (Together, the State and Federal government are funding nearly 40% of the new Train Shed.)
12. Museum members. (
Membership remains as one of the Museum’s critical support mechanisms.)
13. Generous funders. (Recent new support received from 4Culture, North American Railway Foundation, the Quest for Truth Foundation, the City of Snoqualmie and dozens of individuals.)
14. Effective and dedicated Board of Trustees. (Museum is governed by 11 volunteer trustees. Members include rail historians, museum volunteers, and community representatives.)
15. The best bells and whistles of any museum in the County!