Northern Pacific Railway Rotary 10 |
More snow. Incredibly, it has continued to snow in Snoqualmie and North Bend. It is difficult to accurately measure accumulations because of the high winds, so let's stipulate, "a whole bunch of snow." And this was not just any snow, it was Cascade Concrete, a really wet snow that is incredibly slippery and has very high density.
Snoqualmie Depot |
Cascade Concrete was the frozen slurry that descended on Wellington in the infamous avalanche of 1910, and made it particularly difficult to extricate survivors. It is snow that has a particularly high water ratio. Today's snow had a 3:1 ratio. So three inches of snow would equal one inch of rain. Snow in other parts of the country might normally have a water ratio of 10:1. So ten inches of snow would equal one inch of rain. Notwithstanding, check out today's snowy views of the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, Washington. And, as always, click on the image to see it in high resolution.
Bridge 35 in North Bend
Railway Education Center
Train Shed foyer
Cars and locomotives outside the CRC
Rear side of Train Shed
East end of Train Shed foyer